Our international students explain what to expect when you arrive in the UK (and York) to start your university journey. Mi …
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Get the inside view on student life at York.
by International student bloggers
Our international students explain what to expect when you arrive in the UK (and York) to start your university journey. Mi …
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by Ed
I decided I was going to undertake a Masters course fulltime which meant leaving a job I really loved and a reliant income that …
Continue Reading about Returning to studying: financing a Masters →
by Hazel
Trips To be honest, at the start of this course the idea of frequent field trips was daunting to me. I hadn’t done a geography …
Continue Reading about Reasons to be Cheerful: Environment and Geography →
by Helen
The close-knit environment In department, everyone knows everyone. You will have made friends before even arriving, thanks to …
Continue Reading about Music at York: My Top 3 Aspects of Department Life →
by Eloise
Academic Variety Lecturers uses lots of different teaching methods. Some days are mainly plenaries (our name for interactive …
Continue Reading about Five Things to Look Forward to about Law at York →
by Hayley
The Opportunities Masterclasses Many establishments offering Theatre advertise their links with professional practitioners …
Continue Reading about 3 things to look forward to about Theatre at York! →
by Anika
Staff and lecturers The first thing to look forward to is how friendly everyone is. From my experience, I think that the staff …
Continue Reading about 3 things to look forward to about Philosophy at York →
by Toprak
As we all know, York is a beautiful place. What you might not know, though, is that the University of York is even more gorgeous, …
Continue Reading about 3 things to look forward to about Computer Science →
by Rebecca
Hi everyone. I've been down under now for nearly seven months. Though currently, I'm travelling around New Zealand with my brother …
by Rosie
York’s campus has loads of places to eat, all with different vibes. A lot of them run a ‘Not for Profit Just for Students’ ethos, …
Continue Reading about My Favourite Places to Eat on Campus →
These blogs represent students’ views and reflections, at the time of publish. For course details and the official information please always refer to the University of York website.
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