Written by Jenny Mitcham, Digital Archivist, Borthwick Institute Arranging a tour of the grounds of the Retreat for a morning in January was a bit of a risk. We were truly at the mercy of the elements! We were fortunate however to have picked a day when there was no snow or ice on the … Continue reading Continuity and Change at The Retreat
Posts tagged with 19th century
Judging a Book By Its Cover
Written by Sarah Griffin, Rare Books Librarian at the University of York Nowadays many books are produced with a ‘perfect’ binding where the pages are stuck to the spine and invariably split open as soon as any pressure is applied. They are still the common book shape we are all familiar with but they are … Continue reading Judging a Book By Its Cover
Poor Law Stories: George Crosby’s family and a Christmas Removal
Written by Alexandra Medcalf. 1848 did not provide a good or happy Christmas for the Crosby family. On December 21st, the overseers of the poor for the parish of St Mary Castlegate in York applied to the Justices of the Peace for the city of York for the right to remove them. George Crosby was … Continue reading Poor Law Stories: George Crosby’s family and a Christmas Removal
Heslington Hall – Country Life
Written by Martha Cattell, student intern. A fellow Intern and I are currently working at the Borthwick Institute for Archives and are putting together an exhibition about the history of Heslington Hall. The building itself has not always been the administrative hub for the university, and it used to be a grand country seat and … Continue reading Heslington Hall – Country Life
The Tuke Work Experience Project: Views of York
We are finishing off the series of Tuke work experience blog posts with an entry from Alex and Martha who looked at some views of York, and the Tuke house. We start with some views of York from Alex One of the most interesting items I have had the opportunity of handling this past week … Continue reading The Tuke Work Experience Project: Views of York
The Tuke Work Experience Project: Who do you think you are kidding, Mr Bonaparte?
This week we continue our Tuke themed blog posts with a look at some of the poetry found in the collection, written by one of our work experience students, Rebecca. You can catch up by reading Part I here. Studying personal documents from the early nineteenth century, I inevitably found myself looking out for glimpses … Continue reading The Tuke Work Experience Project: Who do you think you are kidding, Mr Bonaparte?
The Tuke Work Experience Project: Growing up with the Tukes
Between April 15th and April 19th 2013, the Borthwick enlisted the help of a team of Work Experience students to help us work through the large collection of Tuke material that we hold. Part of their remit was to pull out interesting documents from the collection to form a series of blog posts. This week … Continue reading The Tuke Work Experience Project: Growing up with the Tukes