‘An end and a beginning’: York County Hospital and the NHS

Written by Lydia Dean. Today marks the 65th anniversary of the National Health Service. During the Second World War, concerns for the sustainability of voluntary hospitals (already subsidised by the government before 1945) contributed to the proposal of a comprehensive health service, open to all members of the community and free at the point of … Continue reading ‘An end and a beginning’: York County Hospital and the NHS

The Borthwick at 60

Written by Dr Katherine Webb. The 15th May 2013 is the 60th anniversary of the Borthwick’s official opening. To  mark the occasion we have added a small ‘vintage’ showcase – made for the Borthwick in 1953 – to the current “Best of the Borthwick” exhibition. In here, we have put a little display about the … Continue reading The Borthwick at 60