Archives on Loan

Written by Catherine Dand, Conservator Our Conservation department is pleased to report that we have a number of archives and special collections that will be going on loan this year. Loaning archival material, especially for the purpose of display, is an exciting way to increase access to the archives. It is an excellent opportunity to … Continue reading Archives on Loan

A Festive Conservation Run-down of the Archbishops’ Registers Project

Written by Catherine Dand, Project Conservator As the Archbishops’ Registers Revealed project is drawing to a close along with the year 2015, I wanted to offer a brief overview of my involvement in the project. It can be quite tricky for a conservator to accurately convey exactly what it is they do in the workshop. … Continue reading A Festive Conservation Run-down of the Archbishops’ Registers Project

Professional Perspectives: Ethics in Conservation and Archives

Written by Catherine Dand, Conservator In August 2015 three members of Borthwick staff travelled across land and sea to present papers at the annual Archives and Records Association conference in Dublin. The theme of the conference was ‘Challenges, Obligations, or Imperatives? The moral and legal role of the Record Keeper today’. The three sessions that … Continue reading Professional Perspectives: Ethics in Conservation and Archives