Written by Neil Adams, Archives Assistant ‘Not a dry eye was to be seen, and the dreadful shrieks and sobs of the bereaved widows and the fatherless, in passing the habitations of the sufferers, were such, as to beggar all description – truly it was the scene of desolation’ (Yorkshire Gazette) Shortly after one in … Continue reading The Stillingfleet Tragedy
Posts tagged with christmas
Yule and Yule’s Wife
Written by Lydia Dean, Archives Assistant Today is December 21st, Midwinter day and also the traditional date of the feast of St Thomas, which sees winter traditions continuing all over Britain, Europe and further afield. In York, the longest night and shortest day heralded the ancient custom of the Yule Riding and the beginning of … Continue reading Yule and Yule’s Wife
Poor Law Stories: George Crosby’s family and a Christmas Removal
Written by Alexandra Medcalf. 1848 did not provide a good or happy Christmas for the Crosby family. On December 21st, the overseers of the poor for the parish of St Mary Castlegate in York applied to the Justices of the Peace for the city of York for the right to remove them. George Crosby was … Continue reading Poor Law Stories: George Crosby’s family and a Christmas Removal