Delivering measurable social impact through the Environmental Social and Governance movement

Jason Miklian, from the University of Oslo, joins us as part of our blog series looking at Business for Peace and what this scholarship can teach us in terms of delivering measurable social impact through Environmental Social and Governance (ESG). This blog series follows a workshop hosted by the School for Business and Society at the University … Continue reading Delivering measurable social impact through the Environmental Social and Governance movement

Leading organisations in and after violent conflict

Joanne Murphy from the University of Birmingham joins us as part of our blog series looking at Business for Peace. This Blog series follows a workshop hosted by the School for Business and Society at the University of York in conjunction with the Interdisciplinary Global Development Centre. “Peace is not enough; we need a future” Bosnian academic, Sarajevo, 2019 It … Continue reading Leading organisations in and after violent conflict

New developments in business for peace and the role of companies in war zones

Chris Williams from the University of York School for Business and Society joins us to start this blog series looking at Business for Peace This Blog series follows a workshop hosted by the School for Business and Society at the University of York in conjunction with the Interdisciplinary Global Development Centre. In this first blog in the series, Chris Williams … Continue reading New developments in business for peace and the role of companies in war zones