Eric Hoddy, IGDC Member and Lecturer at the Center for Applied Human Rights, presents a new edited volume, Transformative justice and agrarian conflict: Elements for a necessary debate. This book project was conceived for introducing and gathering some initial reflections on the global debate on transformative justice and its relationship to agrarian conflict and change. … Continue reading Transformative justice and agrarian conflict: Elements for a necessary debate
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Convivial conservation
IGDC member Judith Krauss discusses the new book Convivial conservation: From principles to practice, co-edited with Kate Massarella, Wilhelm Kiwango & Rob Fletcher. What should the future of biodiversity conservation look like? Against a backdrop of rapid biodiversity loss, alternative visions offer conflicting perspectives on how to preserve the diversity of life on which human … Continue reading Convivial conservation
Livelihood changes during Covid-19: the role of power, risk and civic-based stakeholder conventions
Understanding changes in the charcoal and baobab value chains in rural Mozambique. Blog Também Disponível em Português! IGDC Lecturer Judith Krauss and Eduardo Castro Jr from Universidade Eduardo Mondlane join us in this blog to share their recently published study into understanding livelihood changes in the charcoal and baobab value chains during Covid-19 in rural … Continue reading Livelihood changes during Covid-19: the role of power, risk and civic-based stakeholder conventions
O papel do poder de negociação, do risco socio-económico e ambiental e das convenções de base cívica dos parceiros
Por Judith Krauss (Universidade de York) e Eduardo Castro Jr. (Universidade Eduardo Mondlane). This blog post is also available in English. O nosso estudo ‘Compreendendo as mudanças nas cadeias de valor do carvão vegetal e do Malambe durante o a pandemia do Covid-19 nas zonas rurais de Moçambique: o papel do poder de negociação, do … Continue reading O papel do poder de negociação, do risco socio-económico e ambiental e das convenções de base cívica dos parceiros
Public health implications of flood risk management
IGDC Member Paul Hudson discusses a range of economic perspectives in relation to flooding and climate change and how the monetary and health impacts of flooding can be addressed in a more cohesive way. Flooding is one of the most common natural hazards to impact human society, affecting millions of people around the world each … Continue reading Public health implications of flood risk management
Developing nature-based solutions to climate change on private land
This is part of a series on the economics of climate change and flooding by IGDC member Paul Hudson. Here he looks at opportunities for creating more sustainable and resilient cities. The world is increasingly urbanised, with more people and economic activities being funnelled into urban areas at an unprecedented rate. Therefore, it is unsurprising … Continue reading Developing nature-based solutions to climate change on private land
Does insurance encourage people to protect themselves more or less from flooding?
This is part of a series on the economics of climate change and flooding by IGDC member Paul Hudson. Here he looks at some of the potential unintended consequences of insurance cover. Living next to rivers provides humans with a great range of benefits from transportation access, supporting nature and agriculture, supplying drinking water, or … Continue reading Does insurance encourage people to protect themselves more or less from flooding?
Life as an IGDC Visiting Fellow
Dr Gale TC Rigobert reflects on her experience as an IGDC visiting fellow. Through 2022 IGDC were honoured to be joined by visiting fellow Dr Gale TC Rigobert. Gale is an International Relations Expert, Author, Lecturer, Former Government Minister, and TV Host. As a Climate Change Champion, she is an intrinsically motivated, highly driven, energetic, … Continue reading Life as an IGDC Visiting Fellow
Business – When crisis hits
John E. Katsos, American University of Sharjah, joins us as part of our Business for Peace blog series. This Blog series follows a workshop hosted by the School for Business and Society at the University of York in conjunction with the Interdisciplinary Global Development Centre. John E Katsos (Associate Professor of Business Law and Ethics, … Continue reading Business – When crisis hits
The impact of legal culture on climate adaptation – what do we know?
Eric Hoddy explores the relationships between everyday risk perceptions and ‘legal culture’ – what influence do they have on the potential for transformative change? Eric Hoddy, IGDC Member and Lecturer at the Centre for Applied Human Rights (CAHR), shares with us findings from a recent scoping review on climate adaptation and legal culture undertaken with WIREs Climate Change … Continue reading The impact of legal culture on climate adaptation – what do we know?