Hope you all had a wonderful winter holiday. I spent mine predominantly cooped up surrounded by work revising maths and electronic circuit theory for my January exams. If you had exams I really hope that they went well for you. I’m sure you did the best you could!
However it’s 2017! A new year and some of you will hopefully starting university, possibly York, this year. I remember when I was in my last year of sixth form and the countdown to starting university really started.
So term two is always an odd one for me, as the novelty of starting a new academic year has gone, and once exams and assessments are over work begins again. Whilst that does include work, it’s great to see coursemates and housemates again and have a good catch up!
So this post is going to follow me for a day. Obviously everyday is different, but I thought it may be interesting for you to see what you’ll get up to.
Around 7:00am – I tend to wake up early because it means I can have a bit of time on YouTube. I also tend to put on an episode of a TV show that I can have on in the background when I’m brushing my teeth and washing my face.
7:30 am – Out of bed, TV show on the background, first point of call is a cup of tea and breakfast. I tend to have yogurt and granola for breakfast which I think is super tasty. When in the kitchen I also make myself some sandwiches to take with me to uni as I don’t tend to come back to the house until early evening.

9:00 am – Lazed around a bit, made myself another cup of tea and got myself ready for the day. Today I am on URY (University Radio York) with my friends for our radio show Grumpy Youngish Men. Thankfully we are at a more civilised time of 10am this term (means I get a bit more sleep which is always a good thing!)

9:30 am – Arrived on campus and we start to get ready for the show!

11:45 am – Heading to my first lecture of the day in the department of Electronics for Further Analogue Electronics.
12:55 pm – Off to my second and final lecture (this is a light contact hour day!) which is still in the Electronics department so its only a two minute walk away

2:00 pm – Lectures over, time to get out the sandwiches and have some lunch.
3:00 pm – After a lunch break and chat with friends, I’m heading to the library to get some new books for my new modules which I have only just started. Over revision periods I am such a fan of the library as I find it a place where I can concentrate and be productive with my assessments or when I want to get on with some background reading.
5:30 pm – Heading to Vanbrugh Voices which is run by Vanbrugh College and is a non-auditioning, sing-for-pleasure choir that meets each week throughout term-time and welcomes anyone who enjoys singing.

7:00 pm – Heading home to put some dinner on, well after dumping my rucksack and putting my comfies on.

10:00 pm – Tiredness has caught up with me and I’m calling a night while listening to a bit of Disney music! Night everyone!
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