What should you pack for uni? Some of our current students share their essential uni items and what you should (and shouldn’t) bring with you.
Annabel, 1st Year, English

- Earplugs. Uni halls can be pretty noisy. These will come in handy during those times when your whole flat is partying but you’re trying to get some rest!
- Things to decorate your pin board with. Whether it be photos of family and friends, some cool posters or some fairy lights, these can help make your room into a much more welcoming space.
- Tupperware. This might seem a bit random but will come in handy when you’re making big batches of bolognese or curry to freeze. Making food in bulk will save you loads of time, effort and money.
- Flip-flops. This is especially important if you’ll be using a shared bathroom, trust me.
- Spare tea towels. If you want to stretch out the time between laundry loads (which can be pretty expensive!) taking spare tea towels means you won’t be compromising on food hygiene.
Sophie, 2nd Year, History

- Loungewear to wear to the kitchen. With so many people cooking in the communal kitchens, I found loungewear really useful to stop the cooking smells from sticking to my normal clothes!
- My first year accommodation had plenty of plug sockets, but a power extension lead is probably still worth packing. I definitely couldn’t live without mine this year now that I’m living off-campus!
- Tupperware. When you’re cooking for one, making big portions and freezing the leftovers is a really great way to save money and reduce waste. Tupperware to put leftovers in is definitely something I find really useful.
- Photos of friends and family. I found my room felt so much more homely once I’d stuck some photos on my notice board.
- Calendar/diary. The first term is so busy that a diary or calendar is really useful to keep track of everything. I put everything in mine – lectures, seminars, meetings with friends!
Eve, 1st Year, Sociology

For me, I was a commuting student in my first year and so all I needed to remember when heading to uni each day was my laptop, notebook and music!
But, I’m moving out next year to live nearer to the university, and the top 5 things I am planning on packing are:
- a guitar (you never know who will play and also it’s fun to have your guitar with you for a hobby)
- music speakers
- dressing gown (for all the cosy vibes)
- pictures from home (always nice to have up around your room)
- a few of your favourite books!
Isabelle, 2nd Year, Biology

- Reusable makeup pads – sounds strange but cotton pads are expensive and you go through them so quickly! Reusable ones you can chuck in the wash with your clothes and save £££.
- A bike – if you have a bike and its possible for you to bring it to uni, do! Everything in York is within biking distance.
- Plants – putting plants in my new room made it feel more homely straight away rather than just some room in halls that was now mine!
Beth, 2nd Year Bioarchaeology

- Enough cooking utensils – things you don’t realise you’ll miss from home like a good garlic crusher and a cheese grater!
- A sleeping bag and roll mat are a good idea for if you have visitors or go on any trips straight from university.
- Your passport might also be useful as ID if you don’t have a driver’s license or for impromptu trips abroad!
Laura, 2nd Year, English

- A clothes horse
- Bedding from home
- Extra snacks
- A dressing gown for going to and from the shower
- Collage of photos from home
Flynn, 2nd Year, Environmental Science

- A rug – makes your room so much cosier
- Toys – don’t let anyone tell you that you’re too old for them
- Command hooks – ESSENTIAL if you want your deposit back
- Colouring books – an easy way to unwind
- Pictures of friends + family
- Read more student blogs about preparing to start university
- Find out what’s included in campus accommodation and what to bring with you.
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