The Academic Practice Team is currently reviewing GTA support, training, and professional development at either University wide, faculty, or departmental level.
We would therefore be grateful if all PGRs interested in teaching and learning in Higher Education would complete this survey to support us in this review. The survey is anonymous.
Question in the survey relate to:
- support for PGRs interested in learning about Higher Education but with no opportunity to teach
- support for core areas of GTA teaching responsibility, additional to that provided in the Introduction to Teaching and Learning training.
- any GTA training needs relating to the University Strategy (2021-2030) around themes of inclusion, diversity, sustainability, and collaboration in learning and teaching.
The survey should take approx. 10 minutes to complete (required questions only) with further optional questions to provide more information if you wish.
Your responses will enable Academic Practice to identify strategic priorities for expanding our provision for GTAs. Results will also be shared with faculties and departments in the Spring Term, supplemented by a separate consultation with departmental GTA Coordinators.
The deadline for completing the survey is 31 January 2023.