Balancing an academic career with caring responsibilities – Enhancing Research Culture sessions

The next session of the Enhancing Research Culture project will take place on Wednesday 22 May, 10.30am-12.45pm (B/K/018) on the topic of caring responsibilities in academia. The event is open to all UoY staff and PGR students.

This workshop will hear from academics at different career stages and with different backgrounds about their experiences, struggles, lessons, and advice, among others touching on topics such as having a child at an early career stage, moving abroad to a new institution with young children, as well as an exciting new initiative to help carers maintain some of their lab’s research activity while they are on parental leave. There will be an opportunity to ask our speakers questions and to continue the conversation after the panel discussion over lunch.

The speakers for this session are:

  • Professor Laura Itzhaki (Department of Pharmacology, University of Cambridge)
  • Dr Miriam Klein-Flügge (Departments of Psychiatry and Experimental Psychology, Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging, University Oxford)
  • Dr Eva Kimel (Department of Psychology, University of York)
  • Dr Aidan Horner (Department of Psychology, University of York)
  • Dr MaryAnn Noonan (Department of Psychology, University of York)

 More information on each of the speakers can be found on the speaker profile document

Register for your place

If you would like to attend please sign up via this google form. This will allow the ERC team to order the right amount of lunch. Hot drinks will be provided at the start of the session, please bring your own cup.  

If you are unable to attend in-person, the ERC plan to live stream the talks and Q&A panel on the day and also have a recording to share after the session. Please indicate in the google form if your preference is to attend in-person or via live-stream. You will also be sent a calendar invite.

Previous sessions and additional resources

If you missed the session on why every lab needs a handbook, you can catch up by watching the recording now on YouTube. 

There is also a new online learning resource about research impact. Available to all staff, Research Impact: Creating Meaning and Value is an online, self-directed learning resource which covers the fundamentals of research impact. The course is suitable for researchers and support staff at all career stages, whether you’re new to research impact or already have some experience. It features interactive activities and examples from a breadth of research disciplines. The course has been specifically designed so you can dip in and out of the modules whenever it suits you, and is split into 5 modules which cover topics including planning for impact, engagement with stakeholders, and evaluating impact. The course will also be available to postgraduate researchers in spring 2024. 

For more information contact 

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