‘A Leader’s Destiny’: Lecture by Elias Aboujaoude

‘A Leader’s Destiny’
A Lecture by Elias Aboujaoude, Professor of Psychiatry at Stanford University
Thursday 20 June 2024, 3.30pm to 4.30pm, Church Lane Building Lecture theatre (CL/A/057)

Professor Aboujaoude will be talking about his acclaimed new book A Leader’s Destiny: Why Psychology, Personality, and Character Make All the Difference where he explores such questions as:

  • Are leaders born or made?
  • What makes for a good leader?
  • How do circumstances shape what type of leader emerges?

Professor Elias Aboujaoude puts leadership “on the couch,” with a provocative exploration of its crucial, but often ignored, psychological and personal character foundations. His distinctive exploration provides new insights on who should and should not be striving for leadership positions.

The event will include plenty of time for audience questions and will be followed by a drinks reception and hopefully an opportunity to buy a signed copy of the book.

Registration is free but essential: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/a-leaders-destiny-tickets-894220596877

Published by


Christine Comrie

Student Communications Officer

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