Campus East book locker relocation

Currently borrowing a library item? Our Campus East book locker and book drop return point will be temporarily closing to relocate back to the Ron Cooke Hub ground floor foyer in June.

We’re doing this so that the service remains accessible 24/7 – there are no further changes to the service. Here are some key dates for your diary:

  • Last request date to the Campus East book locker: Monday 10 June at lunchtime
  • All books to be collected or returned beforeFriday 14 June 

We’ll be moving the services from week commencing Monday 17 June and we are aiming for the book locker service to go live again from week commencing Monday 24 June. It is anticipated that the Campus East book drop will be up and running from Wednesday 19 June from within Ron Cooke Hub.

For alternative book return facilities during the interim period please use the external library book drop or book return point on Campus West at the JB Morrell Library.

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