Refine your writing skills

Now is the perfect time to enhance your academic writing skills. Whether you’re in the middle of writing a chapter, working on a research publication, or just starting your research journey, the Academic Skills Community’s upcoming workshops are designed to help you master the art of writing. We have sessions on Academic Grammar and Vocabulary (Wednesday 5 June, 11am- 12.30pm), Using Academic Sentences (Tuesday 11 June, 10.30am- 12pm), the Power of Punctuation (Thursday 13 June, 4pm- 5.30pm), and Writing and Citing (Friday 5 July, 10.30am- 12pm).

If you can’t make these sessions, you can book an appointment with a Writing Centre tutor who can provide personalised guidance on your writing or check out our online academic writing guide.

Published by


Christine Comrie

Student Communications Officer

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