Celebrating Spaces: Connecting Researchers

Celebrating Spaces: Connecting Researchers is an internal open day that aims to bring together all of the University of York’s research and research-enabling staff to showcase, explore, and enjoy both the wide range of research carried out at our institution and the unique and often unknown spaces that facilitate that research. The event will give you the opportunity to connect with fellow researchers, technicians, and those who make research at York possible.

Organised by a team of postdoctoral researchers, Celebrating Spaces: Connecting Researchers forms part of your recommended 10 days professional development, and you are encouraged to attend the full event or as much of the programme as you are able.

Come along on Thursday 27 June at the Exhibition Centre (in Physics) from 9.30am and find out more about the research that happens at York and gain a deeper understanding of the research environment and life beyond the PhD.

Find out more:

Celebrating Spaces: Connecting Researchers

Published by


Christine Comrie

Student Communications Officer

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