Have you ever reflected on the various steps of your admission experience onto your PGR programme?
We are currently running a Postgraduate Recruitment and Admissions (PR&A) Project which explores experiences of PGRs and York’s PGR admission processes.
Two current York PGRs, Samir and Zulfiya, are helping us to look at how recruitment interviews and references are used to assess PGR applicants. Our overall goal is to improve the experience of PGR recruitment for both staff and applicants. We are particularly interested in identifying any potential systemic boundaries that may be limiting the diversification of York’s research community, particularly in relation to background and ethnicity.
Please get involved! We are looking for both PGRs and staff to participate in focus groups to share their experiences of PGR recruitment and selection. PGR participants will be thanked for their time with a £10 Amazon voucher.
If you have any questions, email: ygrs@york.ac.uk