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If you’re a prospective student in desperate need of a true insight into what Economics at York is like, you have landed on the right page. Today, I’ll be taking you with me across campus on an average weekday.
A little about myself before I jump into the juicy details. My name’s Elise and I’m a second year Economics and Finance student from Luxembourg. I’m also the Marketing Ambassador for the Department and I can’t wait to share my journey as a student here!
If you’ve attended an Open Day at the University or visited the Department website, you will probably already know the formal reasons why you should apply to the Economics programme at York. All those fantastic reasons are available here, and I won’t repeat what’s already been said!
Wednesday 11th November – Week 7, Term 1
We have 3 terms lasting 10 weeks each. Term 1 has flown by, I can’t believe there are only 3 and a half weeks left before the beginning of our month-long Christmas break. (Yes, you read that right. One entire month.) Today’s a light day in terms of lectures, but I have a lot of reading to catch up on. Everyone always seems to be behind on the reading at some stage, so really, it’s not the end of the world. In fact, most of us seem to spend the entire year feeling like we’re “behind”!
8.00 – Wake-up Call!
I wake up to the colourful Autumn weather in our small, central apartment. Most students move out of college accommodation in the summer of their first year. There are plenty of student lettings around town and the university, and house viewings start just after Christmas. The location and group size is entirely up to you and your future housemates. In my case, it’s just me and my boyfriend, but some of my classmates live with up to 10 people this year.
9.20 – Off we go
After breakfast I head out to catch the bus. I don’t always – campus is a 30-minute walk from the centre of town, so when it isn’t raining, I walk. Even from my bus seat, the scenery is spectacular! The university has two subsidised bus routes from town: the 66 and the 44. They run at a 6-7 minute interval, which is ideal when you’ve got a busy schedule.
9.45 – Campus!

I’ve arrived a little early for my 10am lecture, so I head towards the department reception to pick up some marked worked I handed in a couple of weeks ago. This is the central hub for lecturers, tutors and staff within the department, as opposed to us students, who attend lectures and seminars all over campus. Your supervisor’s office will be under this roof, along with any supporting staff. There is always someone to speak to if you are in difficulty! I walk to today’s lecture hall for a 2-hour Microeconomics lecture. This week’s topic is Monopoly Behaviour. Most of the material follows our textbook closely, but additional notes are always a good idea.
12.00 – Library
It’s time to address my daily checklist, which consists of an econometrics assignment and textbook reading. I also have a German LFA (Languages for All) seminar I must prepare for. This module is optional, but LFA is a great way of improving your rusty GCSE French or pick up Italian for your next holiday abroad!
The library has an endless amount of resources, both online and on-site. The most requested textbooks can be found in numerous editions and there are often over 10 copies, in case you decide not to invest in your own. I pick out the textbook I need and some optional supporting material to help me understand the topic. Sometimes, you need to do your own research if the set textbook isn’t enough.
13.00 – Lunch
When I’m done I walk down to the Library Cafe to pick up something to eat. It’s cheap, quick, and very tasty! I am also eager to try the Burrito bar in Vanbrugh and some of the Vegan sandwiches here in the library. Costa and YUSU Coffee vendors are present all over campus. So you’re never far from your caffeine fix!
17.00 – Home
Now it’s time to go home! The library is open all night for those preferring night study, but personally, I am most productive in the mornings. After all, university is about finding out what works for you!
Photography: many thanks to Ether Productions for collaborating to this post.
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