Having had them very much present for the previous month, it was quite strange leaving friends from uni for the first time. This made it particularly nice to see them all again after a month off for Christmas, skiing and about a million dinner party gatherings to catch up with friends from home!
It’s just great to be given a whole month off to fill with fun things; you don’t always get that much at other universities so I appreciated it!
I came back up to York with my girlfriend to show her round (before she flew off to South Africa yesterday for 11 weeks ) as she’s been too busy travelling to see my modestly-sized room and strange friends until now.
Annoyingly I couldn’t introduce her to Fibbers, Oki’s (for a post-Fibbers kebab) or any of the other great things York’s nightlife has to offer and instead had to focus on my first ever university exams. We did go to The Courtyard on campus though which I really, really like! It’s simply a great environment, cheap and tasty. I didn’t go for the beautiful £5 burger (with added bacon) this time and went for some salads instead:
Despite exams not being the nicest welcome-back, it meant we could all celebrate when they were over (which took a whole 2 days for me). I personally did this by having some disgusting cinnamon whisky called fireball with my flatmate Matt and then went to the Natural Sciences hub to watch films and ruin my sleeping pattern with missed friends!

It’s not so great to still be awake at 4:30 but it’s definitely nice to be back!