It is amazing how quickly time flies. Having just turned 21 and now well over half way through my time at university, I feel I really ought to be acting like a proper, full-time adult… I’ll let you know when that happens (don’t hold your breath). Despite shortly entering the summer term and then finishing for the academic year (at the end of May?!) there is so much I have to look forward to before the summer break.
Towards the end of the summer term last year I attended many talks that were a part of the York Festival of Ideas. Each talk I attended was unique and extremely fascinating, often followed by an entertaining Q&A with the speaker(s). The vast majority of these talks are situated on campus which is incredibly convenient. There are always far too many talks for you to possibly attend them all (although some of my friends did joke it seemed like I was trying to) and the vast range of topics covered leaves you with some difficult decisions to make. Oh and did I mention the majority of the events are all completely free?
In addition to this there are free public lectures which take place throughout the academic year which I would also thoroughly recommend.

The salsa lessons I have been enjoying this year will be continuing into the summer term and in my previous post I think I somehow omitted to mention the free wine we receive whilst we are there! (Are you sensing a slight theme with my love of free things?) Unsurprisingly we all think we are significantly better dancers than we actually are after a glass or two!
Course-wise there is also a lot of exciting things happening. I have just selected my option modules for my final year and I am hoping that one of these in the spring term will be a short placement. It is recommended that we complete the placement over the summer break between our second and third year so when we return in the autumn term of our third year we are in a position to start constructing our assessed report. Personally, the concept of taking an entire year out on placement seemed rather daunting and did not particularly appeal to me so I was really excited by this opportunity the course provides. It will be a fantastic way for me to get experience and, if you are that way inclined, there is even the opportunity to go abroad for your placement! Apparently a number of previous students were offered jobs with their placement organisations following their graduation so I am hoping to impress!
Whilst it may seem that I could be technically biased, I am genuinely having the best time studying Social Policy at York and I am so glad I chose to spend three years of my life here.
If you have any questions or queries about the university, Social Policy and Social Work or anything else please do get in touch, I will be more than happy to help.
I suppose finally I would just like to wish you all good luck if you have upcoming exams, and I hope to see you here in York in September!
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