Whether you’re unsure of the university or course, your grades surprise you or you’ve only recently started thinking about going to university, then clearing is a great option for you. Looking for a university place through clearing can be stressful but it doesn’t have to be! Here are my top tips to prepare for clearing to avoid stress on results day.
Decide the courses you’re interested in ahead of time
You may have your heart set on a particular university, I certainly did with York but you don’t want end up selecting a course that you’re not interested in. Your degree will make up a large part of your university experience and influence your job prospects. Therefore, the subject you choose should be thoughtfully considered. The University of York offers a wide variety of courses, so scrolling through our directory is a great way to start thinking about what you’d be interested in studying. See the course list link here: https://www.york.ac.uk/study/undergraduate/courses/all

If you already have a specific course in mind, consider courses related to this such as dual discipline courses. Niche subject areas may have more space in clearing, meaning it’s worth considering how different degrees relate to your interest. You may even find a course better suited to you than your original choice.
Prepare some questions
If you’re considering applying to a university you haven’t (virtually) visited, you may wish to prepare some questions in advance of your clearing call. Try to think about anything you’d like to know that you can’t find online before committing to your clearing offer. Some example questions are: Can I take elective modules from other courses in my second and third year? Is there an opportunity to do a placement year on this course? What mental health support is available? It all depends on what you’re looking for in your university experience, try brainstorming a few questions now…
The university you call will be happy to answer any questions you have, so definitely take the chance to smooth over any concerns.
Note down the phone number of any universities you want to try and get a clearing spot with
Clearing spaces can be limited so make sure you get your call in as soon as possible. Noting down the phone number for your top choice prior to the day clearing opens, will allow you to get in contact with your chosen university that bit quicker. This could make the difference between getting a space or not.
Stay calm
This is easier said than done. I understand that going through clearing can be nerve-wracking but try to see it as an exciting opportunity to get into a great university. This positive outlook will remove some of your tension and lead to more relaxed and productive phone calls.
I wish you the best of luck in your clearing preparation. If you are able to secure a clearing spot here at York, then many congratulations! You’re joining a fantastic supportive community that can’t wait to welcome you.
Read more student blogs about clearing.
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