Hi, I’m Lexie, an MMath student currently in my third year here at York. I came to university with little career experience but the support and skills that have been made available to me by the Department of Mathematics has allowed me to feel a lot more confident when looking to apply to jobs in the future.
Using coding languages
My lecturers often remind me that they are here to support us, not only with the degree, but also with aspirations in future careers goals. As a result, throughout my time here at York I’ve been exposed to a multitude of skills that will be beneficial when looking for jobs once I graduate.
Most notably, the University is keen to introduce many different coding languages. Especially in the first year modules of undergraduate mathematics. Some examples include maple, python and my personal favourite as a statistician, R.
Coding, alongside CV writing, formal presentations and group work, have allowed me to become a more well rounded and employable individual.
Industry experience
Away from the core modules in mathematics, the department provides opportunities to work in an industrial setting. One example of this is the extended final year project. I’m particularly looking forward to this as I move into my fourth year here at York.
The project gives students the option to work with an external company on a shared topic of interest. With some examples being in medicine, sport and engineering. I am excited about the opportunity to gain employable skills in an area that I am passionate about, in order to move in the right direction towards my dream job.
Educational experience
Another option available to students is a Year 3 module called ‘Communicating Mathematics In Education’. Many students here in maths wish to go into teaching and York is amazing at helping students attain this goal. The module acts as a great starting point to gain experience in the field of education. Through learning how to plan and teach lessons, as well as getting accustomed to working in a professional environment.
Furthermore, after you graduate you can apply to do a PGCE (Postgraduate Certificate in Education). This qualification is a great way to learn how to teach in local schools while still getting guidance and support from staff based at the University.
Employability opportunities
The Department of Mathematics is always making us aware of the different careers opportunities that are available to us so that we can further improve our employability. In particular, our careers officer sends weekly emails with current internships, volunteering and summer schools that are on offer. This has been very beneficial because it is difficult to know what direction to take in my future. Studying maths at York opens so many doors. It’s nice to know that the Department is supportive every step of the way.
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