It's a daunting, but also exhilarating prospect that university will be the first time most people will have full responsibility of their finances. That being the case, when you receive that coveted, …
Staying Healthy at Uni – it’s possible
The likely temptation If you're a food lover like me, you'll find the countless takeaway offers and free Domino's at Freshers' Fair hard to resist. It's far too easy to slip into the routine of …
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I need a dollar: funding PG studies
In terms of finance, the Masters year can feel like a squeeze. At undergrad level there were loads of schemes and reasonable loans. At PhD level, the majority of people apply for funding with a …
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My experience of student finance and housing
The first thing I should say when talking about student finance is this: each person’s experience is unique. Everyone has different financial situations at home and has different relationships with …
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