A massive part about coming to university for everyone is the worry of having to manage your finances yourself. It definitely was the biggest thing for me. Coming from a family where nobody had been …
Being friends with your finances and funding your postgraduate degree
Before beginning my year as a postgraduate, I was filled with excitement for the coming year. However, I was also slightly anxious on how I was going to make it through the year financially. Funding …
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Helpful tips on postgraduate fees, funding, and finance
Hi! I'm Katy and I’m currently doing an MA in English Literary Studies. I have had ups and downs regarding my finances over the last year. COVID-19 has definitely affected me financially, but I would …
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Managing your postgraduate finances
My name is Sonam and I'm currently studying for a PhD in Mechanistic Biology at York. Managing postgraduate finances can be a challenge, so I thought I'd share my experiences and top tips. Funding …
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Living Affordably and Sustainably – 4 Ways to Manage your Money at York
Usefully enough, a lot of these tips to save money also happen to be tips for living more sustainably! We’re killing two birds with one stone in this blog post. Living independently can be …
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Returning to studying: financing a Masters
I decided I was going to undertake a Masters course fulltime which meant leaving a job I really loved and a reliant income that I’d become attached to. Although I’d only been working for three years, …
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