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Health, wellbeing and work-life balance in the PhD: an online workshop

How to Survive your PhD: Health, wellbeing and work-life balance

The PhD journey is acknowledged as a roller coaster, with many highs and lows. Succeeding in the PhD is as much about finding ways to maintain a healthy sense of wellbeing and a good work-life balance as it is about doing the actual research. 

In this workshop, you’ll get to meet and hear from a panel of current PhD students and post-doctoral fellows, who will share personal experiences and stories about how they navigated the challenges of a PhD, and the practices or activities that helped to keep them healthy and happy.

Based on feedback from previous ‘PhD Survival’ sessions, we plan for this session to provide a lot more time for smaller, breakout group discussions and Q&A with panel speakers. There will also be plenty of time opportunity to network and meet other PhD students across all departments at York!

For more information, and to register, please visit Skillsforge.

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