Socialising – easier for some than others. Club lover, pub person, cocktail chick or curl up on the sofa with a film kinda peep, whatever your thing is, it’s fine!!
I’ve never been a massive clubbing person
I mean don’t get me wrong, I love a good dance on occasion (especially when there’s super cheesy music involved). However, I know one of the things that worried me (and maybe a few of you guys) before coming to uni was that I would be under pressure to club all night every night.
I could not have been more wrong. It’s actually turned out to be one of the things I’ve really loved about York. I had such an epic time in Freshers Week and this has continued throughout my time here.

Freshers Week
My Freshers Week was an utterly mad, fabulous week full of making new friends, new experiences and tonnes of laughing (sorry for being cheesy but it’s true). Apart from the lovely people (that I still live with now), one of the best things for me was the choice and support provided by the uni and my college.
For starters York has a group of students called STYCs (second and third year contacts). Basically they’re a bunch of existing students who volunteer to help make your Freshers Week great. They help you move in, show you the college, take you to events, look out for you and lend an ear if needed. Every night of Freshers Week there is a drinking event and a non-drinking event – from clubbing and karaoke, to film nights and board games. You can go along to whatever you feel like! The atmosphere here is inclusive and friendly. Having been both a fresher and a STYC, I can safely say that York’s Freshers Week rocks.

Beyond Freshers Week
In my experience this great atmosphere extends to nights out generally too. With a massive range of places to go – campus bars, cocktail bars (my favourite 😉 ) to pubs, restaurants, clubs, cinemas and theatres, there’s pretty much something for everyone. For such a dinky city, York has so much to offer!

As well as there being 24 hour buses…
The uni run a great scheme, in case you do ever get stuck on a night out, need to get home, but do not have any money. You can ring a taxi and ask them to drop you off at your college porter. They will pay for your taxi and you can pay them back later.

Society socials
The majority of societies run socials (some of them every week). For example PhysSoc (the physics society) runs nights out, nights in, quiz nights, film nights, dinner nights and balls. York’s sports societies have themed socials every Wednesday evening and colleges having events throughout the year.

I would highly recommend trying a new things
Push yourself out of your comfort zone occasionally – you might find you enjoy it or, if not, you might make a friend that you’ll laugh at that thing you went to and made fools of yourselves together (know I’ve done this).

So in case I haven’t bored you with enough lists of all the fab stuff on offer already – York has so much choice and range! It’s one of the many reason I love living and studying here. Socialising at uni is definitely something to look forward to! 😀
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