There’s so much more to being a student at York than lectures and studying, here’s just a few things I’ve been up to recently to give you a taste of what else student life offers here
Dance Show!
My housemate is a member of the University of York Dance Society and on Saturday night we went to watch her show which was a selection of dances (one of which she’d choreographed) singing, and even a performance from the Pole Exercise Society! The show was great and there are many chances to see things like this throughout the term with other societies such as Drama Society, Central Hall Music Society and Pantomime Society regularly putting on performances. So if you don’t get involved in one of these societies yourself there’s still plenty of opportunities to enjoy watching what they do.
Had a meeting about a YSIS placement
The Careers Service at York offers lots of fantastic opportunities for volunteering. One of these projects which I took part in last year, and will do again next term, is called YSIS (York Students In Schools). This project gives students the chance to spend one term at a school, helping in a class or subject area. Last year I helped in a Year 3 class at a local primary school and found it to be such an enjoyable experience. Not only does it look good on your CV but also gives you valuable experience working with children, which is useful if you are on the Children and Young People Pathway or looking to work with children after your degree. As well as working in schools, there are many other volunteering projects offered by the Careers service who are also really helpful in giving advice about relevant work experience and careers advice.
Went to a gym class
York is really lucky to have two gyms really near campus, one directly on Campus West and one near Campus East. I go to the one on Campus East as it has a swimming pool and offers a huge range of great classes. Both are really easy to get to (there is a free bus running between the two campuses) and definitely offer good value for money.
Had a night out!
It wouldn’t really be a blog about student life if there was nothing about the nightlife. Going out as a student in York is a lot of fun, there’s four student nights a week each in a different club but there are also a lot of other events if you are into something a bit more alternative. The nightlife isn’t just about clubs though – there are a lot of great pubs and bars if clubbing isn’t for you.
I will be at the Department Open Day this Wednesday to help show you around, so hope to see you see you there! Katherine x
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