Hi guys!
I have attached a link of an interview I carried out with Professor Peter Thompson at the University of York for you to watch – he captures why choosing to study Psychology at York is your best option! But here are my summarised points…
Pete specialises in Vision and Visual Perception and teaches a block of modules on this in both first and second year.
Our department is very research intensive – we are 3rd in the country for our research facilities! Coming to York means you can conduct your own MRI scans, be part of research for an MRI scan, and even get paid to sleep in the department for the night!
- Pete defines the research in our department as ‘world class‘ – so why not join us in being part of that?
The department here is soooo friendly! I would class a number of the lecturers here as my friends rather than just teachers. They are incredibly inspirational and there for you whenever you need a little (or a lot of) support!
Pete is particularly famous for his ‘Margaret Thatcher Illusion’ (it has a wikipedia page – look it up!) but also many other pieces of research such as wearing horizontal stripes makes you look thinner!!
All in all… although the Psychology department at York conducts lots of ground-breaking research and has a fantastic reputation, I think what makes it so special is the amazing people you have the opportunity to work with. And how friendly and inspirational they are.
I count myself so lucky that I was given the chance to study here, it’s the best decision I ever made – so make sure yours is too!
Good luck, and don’t hesitate to ask me anything.
Katie x
Hi Katie
Great Video, I’m looking at sending my daughter to York University even though she wants to go to Leeds, I still feel after watching this that York is the better choice for studying Psychology.
Hi Gary,
Thank you for watching and I’m glad you liked it! Please do show your daughter the video as well so that she can understand why our course is so renowned.
I would advise visiting both universities (if you/she haven’t already) because I believe you get the feeling of where you want to be at one. Both universities have their positives but obviously I can only speak for York as that’s where I attend – and I 100% know I made the best decision in coming here.
If your daughter would like any advice or support with the process tell her not to hesitate in contacting me! I am more than happy to help where I can 🙂
Best wishes!