Sociology at York is ranked number 1 for research in the UK. Staff are very proud of this fact and it will feel like a mantra by the end of your degree, but they should be proud! Our community has so many strengths that make it such a great place to study. Here are three things to look forward to…
The varying modules
There are a huge amount of modules to pick from, getting more specific and specialised as you go through your degree. The first year modules give you a good grounding on the topic of sociology and then for second and third year you get to pick all of your modules. The modules available change regularly so they keep up to date with current sociological trends and new concepts.
I am in my third year now and have just started two new modules. The first is Arts, Tastes & Stratification. Within this, we are looking at what makes art, art through a sociological lens. It is so interesting applying theories that we have learnt about to a concept that I have been aware of far before university.
My other module is Humans and Other Animals. I picked this because it was a topic I knew nothing about and questions like ‘are animals part of the working class?’ really intrigued me. We have weekly screenings of films and documentaries to support our learning, as well as lectures and seminars.

The staff
As York attracts a lot of academics to carry out research, it means our staff have a real in-depth knowledge of their topic areas. Last year, one of my lecturers literally wrote the textbook on what we were learning.
It’s super interesting to see how lecturers bring in their own research to the topic area. In first and second year, you have lots of different lecturers so it’s a useful indicator on whose style you prefer and who you feel you learn the most from. So then when it comes to third year modules, you have more information to make your decision.
The size
The Sociology building itself is quite small. In first and second year, the lectures take place in big lecture theatres but you will quickly start to recognise faces.
However, what I’ve really enjoyed about third year is that as there are more modules to choose from (you have to choose four from ten options), so the amount of people on each module is much smaller. Lectures are far more interactive and you get to know the staff a lot more.
The Sociology building has its own study areas as well, where weekly meetings and catch ups are held. There’s almost always space to study, even during exam season. Plus, it’s useful to be able to knock on your lecturers door round the corner if you have an issue.
Overall, I really enjoy studying sociology. I had no idea how broad this subject area was until I got to York, so you have lots to look forward to if you are planning on joining us in September!
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