Innovative modules and assignments

The great thing about studying Social Policy at York is the innovative modules we get to do! Imagine one minute you’re working with prisoners at HMP Buckley Hall and the next, you’re playing the role of Secretary of State for Health trying to get funding from the Treasury for your latest policy idea.
The modules I have experienced at York have been extremely wide-ranging including learning the Policy Process through role-playing government. I very much enjoyed being Secretary of State for Health, but sadly made the mistake of asking the Treasury for too much money (I think a reshuffle may be coming…….).
Another innovative module Social Policy, Crime and Criminal Justice saw me working with prisoners in a real prison. I have loved working with prisoners in challenging some of the key social policy questions of our time. It has been such a remarkable experience getting on the ground and working with people directly affected by the policies you learn about! This only increases your passion to help people through your subject!
Great teaching by world-leading experts
You are taught the diverse range of modules by some of the world leading experts in their field. Since arriving at York, I have been taught by someone who worked on UNICEF’s Report Card Fairness for Children, an Executive Secretary of the British Society of Criminology, a Chair of the UK Social Policy Association, an associate editor of the Journal of Youth and Policy, and a Member of the International Advisory Board of the journal Global Social Policy.
Our lecturers have an extensive array of specialisms. These include youth justice, illicit drug-use, welfare systems, healthcare, sex work and many others! This is extremely handy when your dissertation idea is a little out of the box…….
Challenging your perspective
One of the best parts of studying social policy is expanding your thinking and having your perspectives on certain areas of policy challenged! Before studying here I had opinions on housing, health, welfare and other areas of social policy that have now changed.
The diversity of people doing Social Policy at York helps you to see other people’s points of view that you may have not considered before. This improves your ability to acknowledge another person’s point of view and work together to make better policy. This is something that I have learnt is a must if you want to pursue any career in policy-making!
The open and honest discussions

Let’s face it, discussing social policy can be difficult when you feel like you can’t have a respectful conversation with someone who has an opposite view. The wonderful thing about studying here is that the lecturers encourage open and honest discussions between students about their opinions.
I have been in seminars where I have had some informative and positive debates with people who have completely opposite views to my own! This is extremely useful and allows me and other students to really engage in the topics we are discussing. Instead of shying away from debates, we indulge in them.
Prepares you for your career in Social Policy!

This course provides a comprehensive, energetic, innovative and realistic approach to social policy that prepares you for your career. The innovative modules allow you to experience what a career might be like in social policy. From the Policy Process in year 2 where you role- play government, to the opportunity to work with prisoners in a real prison.
This course goes beyond the classroom and provides you with an insight into social policy in action. The teaching is second to none. It gives you the knowledge you need to pursue a career in the social policy field. The open and honest discussions help you gain the confidence to voice your view, formulate better arguments and challenge your preconceived opinions from housing to social security.
The skills I have gained studying social policy have enabled me to start my career even before leaving university; speaking in parliament, participating in debates, going head to head with Piers Morgan and starting to write report papers on key policy areas such as mental health.
If you want a future career in social policy or related fields…. This is the course for you! There is so much to look forward to!!
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