Module choices
Regardless of which course you take within the School of PPE, there is such a great variety of module choices. This increases as you progress so that you’ll be able to really choose to study what you’re interested in.
Those studying PPE itself have 2 routes they can choose. The standard route has a more equal weight to all three disciplines, whereas the econometrics route has a slight weighting towards economics. I chose the econometrics route and it’s brilliant if you have a strong interest in statistical models and data analysis.
You can study any aspect of Philosophy that you can possibly think of. You can specialise as you progress each year; module choices in second and third year can range from more traditional metaphysics to studying the ethics of artificial intelligence.
Economics module choices are a little more restricted in first and second year as understandably basic economy theory has to be taught. However, in third year you get much more choice to look at other aspects of economics.
Politics modules can vary greatly covering the theory behind the events of the day to historical political philosophy. Everyone I know has different approaches to choosing modules. Personally, some of my favourite politics modules have been ones that have made me think in a completely different way.
Club of PEP

As a student in the School of PPE you are automatically in the student-run Club of PEP. They run a variety of events both academic and social that really adds to your time at York.
In Freshers’ Week you will meet your PPE family. This is a large group of first year students that are looked after by two second or third year PPE students who become your PPE ‘Parents’ for the rest of your time at York. Your PPE ‘Parents’ are there to support you with anything from tips on the nightlife in York to module choices. The Club of PEP run a course Freshers Week with plenty of events to meet other first year PPE students.
The Club of PEP also holds the traditional 12 Hour Ball which starts with a formal dinner then to a bar crawl and finally ends with a huge breakfast the next morning for those that have managed to stay awake. There are also plenty of socials throughout the year including a family fortunes night and even a summer barbecue.
The Club of PEP also have an academic component. They provide optional sessions for those who need help on some modules as well as organising speakers’ events. They also run an annual week-long trip abroad. Previous destinations have included Athens and Barcelona! The trip is a combination of sightseeing, talks from those working in politics, economics or philosophy and socials in the evening.
Interdisciplinary approach
There is such a strong commitment to an interdisciplinary approach at the School of PPE at York. The School itself run several PPE interdisciplinary modules such as ‘Rationality, Morality and Economics’ and ‘The Democratic Economy’.
You also have the opportunity to undertake the ‘PPE Dissertation’. This allows you to conduct an independent piece of work that crosses over at least two of the three disciplines of PPE.
Modules options run by other departments can greatly overlap two or even all three disciplines. For example, my Politics module ‘Global Political Economy’ has really helped bridge the gap between my knowledge of economic theory and international politics.
Read more student blogs about PPE at York
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