When you arrive at University your first thoughts might not be about securing a part-time job, and if it is you might not know where to look, who to contact or what are the best jobs to get. A great thing about the University of York is the number of part-time jobs they offer to students, so here are my thoughts if you fancy picking up a part-time job to earn some extra cash…
Campus Jobs

Student Ambassador
I have a part-time job as a student ambassador here at the uni. This basically means I do a variety of shifts like giving prospective students or parents campus tours, working on open days or even working with local High School students. Every September at the start of term online applications open, sometimes during spring applications are also available if they need more ambassadors. Also, the uni has four key open days, two in the summer and two in the autumn. You can apply to work at these even if you’re not an ambassador, from this you’ll have key experience to apply for the job.
The great thing about this job is that you can choose when you work and how much you work through monthly newsletters. You have got to complete a set amount of hours throughout the year, but once that’s completed it is up to you when you work! So during exam time, you might not want to work at all, so this is great as it is so flexible.
YUSU Bar Worker
You could also become a YUSU bar worker at any of the campus bars/cafes we have located on campus. Whenever they have jobs available they advertise them through University outlets on email or even on Facebook. This is again another job that’s located on campus, so really easy to get to.
STYM Scheme
Getting involved with your college is a great way to become part of the college community. Last year I was a STYM (Second and Third year mentor). A couple of times a term I would check in on freshers and see if they needed any help or advice. This was a great way to talk to people in the college team and meet people who were from my college.
Course Representative
You could also apply to be a course rep! You’d have to attend meetings, speak to course mates and give feedback to your department on how the course could be improved. This is a great way to socialise with your course mates especially if there are lots of people.
Even though you’re not getting paid, volunteering at University if a great way to gain some work experience to put onto your CV. The University has volunteering opportunities where you can volunteer, weekly, monthly or even on one-off occasions so there is something for everyone!
If you don’t fancy working on campus, or you need a much-needed break away from uni, working in town is also an option. There are plenty of cafes, shops and restaurants who will hire students on a part-time basis. They normally look for people at the start of September or as summer approaches. Also if you work for a company at home who is part of a chain you could ask to transfer to the one in York.
How to find jobs?
The careers department has an online platform called Handshake and all students have access to this through their student logins. A lot of students have never used it, or don’t start using it till their final year. I recommend using it as much as you can as it is really helpful. There’s a collection of things from part-time work, Graduate schemes, Summer internships and voluntary work, all located in one space, so you don’t have to spend hours googling away.
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Wow this Awesome, I really love this York seriously base on the students page. It’s Nice meeting you all and reading your post about the part-time jobs within the campus and outside the campus also as a Music Students. We shall all Make it in life. Thanks once again, can’t love you less.