Hello! My name is Jen and I’m a first year Theatre student. You may have read my postcard, if that’s the case, hello again!
Coming to university is a scary thing. I won’t lie, it’s very different to college or sixth form but there are so many things you can look forward to; whether it’s a specialised course, making new friends or joining societies. Let me break it down for you!
The course
At GCSE and even college level, not everyone in your class will share your passion but at university it all changes! In your lectures, sessions and workshops you’ll be able to learn new things, consider things you’d never questioned before and grow as a specialist in whichever subject you’re taking.
Making new friends
You can make fantastic friends in your classes! The shared experience, mutual understanding and passion for your course means you will find like-minded people there. The social side of university is an important part of your degree and your overall experience. It’s something to really look forward to.
Societies and clubs
Here at York there is an array of societies to join. Whether you want to be involved with productions, competitions, sport, or just make some friends, there’s something for everyone. If you want to see the societies we have on offer you can find the list here. There’s hundreds of societies already but if there’s one you’d like to set up it’s really easy to do.
For me the big appeal of moving away from home was being able to do my own thing and make my own choices. There’s plenty to be excited about, the lovely conventions of adulthood like food shopping, paying rent, laundry…okay, so maybe not those things but there are plenty of advantages to living independently.
The future
Undoubtedly we are all at university for the prospect of what our future could look like. University isn’t easy, there’s a lot of work, dedication and sacrifice to get through your degree. But believe me, it is 100% worth it. Whilst it is difficult it’s very important to remember all the good things that uni will bring for you. Most of the things I listed above are quite general to any uni but York has one thing that’s really special, a welcoming community.
I chose York because of its academic excellence but the community feel on campus and in classes has been the best thing about coming here. Not only are the staff kind, supportive and well-versed in their subjects, but the friends I’ve made in my first term are amazing. I have learnt, and expect to continue learning, so much in my time here.
I hope you love York just as much as I do.

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