Hi! I’m Amelia and I am currently in my second year of my Law degree. I had a great time during my Fresher’s week in 2019, so hopefully, this blog will provide a useful insight as to what really goes on during that first week. There are also a couple of my top tips so you are well prepared!
Before Freshers’ Week
Make sure you check your emails before move-in day. There will be essential information about what to bring and also what has been planned.
Your college will send you a timetable for the week. And you’ll need to buy a college wristband to go to the events. This is what mine looked like in 2019.
You don’t have to go to any of the organised events; or, you could go to all of them. It’s completely up to you (although the Freshers’ Fair is a no-brainer).
Move in day

Obviously, move in day is probably the most nerve-racking part of Freshers’ Week; but everyone is so nice (honestly) and making friends is not as hard as you think. Go in with an open mind and realise everyone is in the exact same situation as you. They’re probably feeling the same way too.
Don’t worry if you don’t immediately click with your housemates on the first day. As the week goes on you will become closer (with help from your STYCS (Second and Third Year Contacts) – I will explain their role later). Your friendship circle will continue to grow throughout your time here.
Things you must go and do

Planned nights out are some of the main events during the week. Luckily, at York, each flat is allocated 2 STYCs and 1 STYM (Second and Third Year Mentor). They make the week so much easier by coming to your flat every night of Freshers’ Week. They come out with you, help everyone get to know each other and make sure you don’t get lost!
You don’t have to worry about losing your friends in a club full of strangers. The STYCs are there to look after you and get you home safely after each night out.

Of course, you don’t have to drink on a night out and no one will make you. There are non-alcoholic events organised during the Freshers’ Week if that’s what you would prefer.
Also, don’t forget to take the bus or walk into town at some point during the week. Freshers’ Week is a great chance to see the city, grab some food and visit all the shops (and the Minster)! It’s a beautiful city after all, so take the opportunity to get your bearings and get to know your flatmates at the same time!
Freshers’ Fair

Make sure you set your alarms on the Saturday morning – its Freshers’ Fair! Even though by now you might be a little sleep deprived, this is a great thing to do.
With over 200 stands of clubs and societies, there’s pretty much every sport or activity you can ever think of. My advice is sign up to everything and anything you’ve ever wanted to try. You can go along to the free taster sessions and see if you want to officially join afterwards. It’s a great way to meet other people and get out of your comfort zone. Domino’s also give out free pizza all day, so that’s even more of a reason to go.
Top tips

Here are a couple of my top tips to help you get the most out of Freshers’ Week:
- Join in. Try and throw yourself at everything and embrace this new, crazy experience
- Definitely try and bring some fancy-dress clothes for the themed nights
- Make sure you take multivitamin tablets to avoid Freshers’ flu
- Bring a doorstop to leave your door open. That way people are more likely to want to chat to you
- Do all your admin before you arrive, e.g. completing your enrolment and setting up your student account. All of this information will be emailed to you a few weeks before Freshers’ Week begins.
To sum it up…
Being so busy will mean the week will fly by! So; take everything in, embrace every opportunity and most of all – have fun. It’s Freshers’ Week after all! You can read more blogs on Freshers’s Week here.
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