It’s a new week! Sometimes, I need to catch up on work from last week’s SPS lectures and seminars, so I do this on a Monday morning when I don’t have anything on. If not, I’ll either do some pre-reading for the new content this week, or I’ll do some chores around the house to get them out of the way!
In the afternoon, I have a lecture for my Politics module in Alcuin college. This gives me a chance to catch up with my friends in Politics. The lecture only lasts for an hour, so after that I usually go home and start the seminar prep for that module. I like to get started with seminar prep when the lecture is fresh in my mind!
On Tuesdays, I have a couple of lectures in the morning on Campus West. I’m not a morning person, but luckily, I don’t have to do anything except bring my laptop with me to make notes during the lecture! They are all recorded online too, so on those days when I’m not feeling it, I can just catch up whenever.
The lectures I have today are on two completely different subjects, both of which I picked – Ethics and Social Research Methods. This means I’ve been able to meet a completely different bunch of people, and also see some familiar faces I had lectures with last year.
Tuesday is also when my Social Policy lecturer has their office hours. So, I have the opportunity to go and clarify points I wasn’t sure about from the lecture. Being a part of several subjects as an SPS student means I get to access the office hours of lots of different lecturers. There’s lots of support available, and chances are I’ll be able to speak to someone on any weekday. Office hours are really useful, especially in the run-up to exams and essay deadlines!
Wednesdays are usually fairly quiet, as most people have the afternoon off for sports. I have a sociology lecture in the morning on Campus East – my final lecture of the week. Being based on both campuses means I get to see different parts of the University, and get to know the area a bit better!
Once I’m done with my lecture, I usually head back home and get started on some seminar prep and reading for my seminars tomorrow.

Thursday is the busiest day of the week for me! I have three seminars for three different modules. My 9am is in Church Lane, the new base for SPS and the University of York Management School, which opened at the start of the Autumn Term. After the seminar, I usually stay here until my next one because Church Lane has a café and lots of study spaces to work in.
After my other seminars, I usually stay on campus to prepare for tomorrow’s seminar. There’s also a Q&A with Philosophy in the evening with the author of a book we’re studying in my Ethics module – drinks and nibbles included! This is a great opportunity to catch up with my Philosophy friends.

My last seminar of the week! I’m back on East Campus at 9:30am today. Once that’s over, I usually catch up on any work and look over everything I’ve covered over the last few days. This week, I’ve also got a feedback session with Philosophy for an essay plan I wrote. These one-to-one sessions are a great way to learn how to improve my work.
And that’s it for work this week – Friday is usually quite a free day for me, so now I get to go and have some time with my housemates!
I’m planning to do a work placement next year, so on Saturdays I usually continue applying and searching for roles. Being an SPS student means I can apply for lots of different roles in different sectors like media, politics and business because my course is so flexible. I’ve also covered lots of different things over the last two years in modules, which helps me to tailor my applications to each position!
Sunday is usually a day off from uni, unless I’m working on an essay or exam. Now I’m free to do all of the other stuff you do at uni, like food shopping or going into town!
Read more student stories about studying Social and Political Sciences at York
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