Hello! I’m Beth, a 2nd-Year Interactive Media student here at the University of York. In this post, I want to show what the average week looks like for me on the Interactive Media programme, as well as what else York has to offer outside of studying. This includes society activities and hobbies, as well as the city itself.
As the course is so unique to York, it’s helpful to see exactly what a current student is studying, so I hope this helps show what the programme has to offer! I hope this blog gives you insight on why the subject is so interesting, and makes you excited to start.
I kick my week off with three hours of lectures starting at 12.30pm, the first of which being for User Experience (UX) Design, a design-based module focused around things like visual design and accessibility. Followed by this is my Web Development module, which is the other side of the degree programme that involves more programming skills.

Tuesday is a more varied day. Instead of normal lectures, where it’s more of a sit-and-listen experience, I have an early morning (9.30am!) practical for web development. Today, we’re developing our already-written HTML by adding an external style sheet to change the aesthetics of the website.
After this, I have another lecture in the afternoon for the same module, meaning I get to stay in a web mode for the whole day! More CSS, and my day is finished.
Another early start on Wednesday as I have a workshop for my UX module. This term, we’re working on a group project, so these sessions are a good chance to catch up with the group and see how everyone is getting on. Workshops, like practicals, are more hands-on, and you get more of a chance to put the skills you learn in lectures into practice. In the evening, I meet with Korean Cultural Society to practice for a performance we’re putting together. This is my token physical activity for the week; I find it really helps to have something active to do – whether it be a sport, or just getting your daily steps in!

Thursday is usually quite a chill day as I start at 2.30pm. I use the morning to make sure I understand the new web concepts I’ve learned through the week in preparation for my practical in the afternoon. If I identify what I’m stuck on, it makes it far easier to ask for help. Finishing at 4.30pm means at this time of year I usually get a lovely view of the city on my way home as the sun is setting. I would definitely recommend doing a walk along the river when the weather is nice!
After another UX workshop early in the morning, I spend the time in between my next class either asleep or preparing for my afternoon lecture by doing any reading or catch-up I may need to do. When I’ve finished with my timetabled sessions, Fridays are the day I meet up with a friend where we usually get a takeaway (Efes is our go-to!), and watch a movie. End of week treat!
My weekend generally consists of doing tedious adult tasks that I didn’t have time to do in the week, like washing and doing my food shop. I also make sure to give myself time to do things I genuinely enjoy on the weekends, as it’s my core unwinding time. I play a lot of video games, which you have the chance to do competitively against other universities if you’re interested in that kind of thing. And sometimes, I spend the weekend visiting surrounding cities like Leeds and Manchester, both very accessible by train!
Read more student stories about studying Interactive Media at York.
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