Over the past year, I have taken part in many of the comedy society’s shows as a member of their sketch troupe, The Dead Ducks. If you can, I’d recommend getting involved with our society, whether that means helping with productions or coming along to watch our shows!
My experience of the Comedy Society
The members of comedy society, are so welcoming and appreciative of everyone. As a society, we work really hard to highlight the importance of inclusivity and togetherness. This is what initially drew me to the idea of becoming a member. I was looking for a group of people who would not only accept me as part of their society, but who would also encourage and support me performing.
Since becoming a member of the comedy society, I’ve been blessed with lots of opportunities. I performed in many shows inside and outside the university. I took part in their 24 hours of comedy event, which was extremely exhausting but totally worth it. Most recently, I performed in the Edinburgh Fringe for a month as a member of The Dead Ducks!
The Edinburgh Fringe
As a member of the sketch troupe, The Dead Ducks, I had the opportunity to travel to Edinburgh to perform in the Fringe festival alongside my fellow sketch mates and our sister improv group, The Shambles. It was an incredible experience; one I will never forget. Performing amongst some of my all-time favourite comedians was a once in a lifetime opportunity! It was a very busy month, filled with so much excitement and passion!

Although we performed our sketch show every day (apart from Mondays), we managed to see a ton of different shows at the Fringe! This made the trip even more incredible as we experienced a whole range of interesting, and sometimes peculiar shows! What also made this trip amazing was living with my closest friends in our accommodation in Edinburgh! I had become close to them through the society, and this trip allowed me to strengthen my relationships with them! For me, it was really important to spend as much time as I could with my friends on this trip, as it gave me that added comfort I needed in an unfamiliar city. Plus, it was great for moral support during those low moments, which there were very few of, fortunately.
Overall, I had an incredible time and I enjoyed every last second I spent there! Performing at the Fringe is one of the best experiences of my life, and I would highly recommend getting involved (if you’re able to do so) for a chance to experience this too!

Read more about student experiences in societies
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