Getting financial support
I have forgotten this donkey’s name. But I am reliably informed that he is a long-standing member of the team.
This donkey saved my life. In all seriousness, it was thanks to this donkey that Student Finance re-assessed me and as a result, the University provided me with a bursary which is paid to any student eligible for extra maintenance loan.
I am neurodivergent and inevitably I did not apply for maximum student loan because I didn’t know I could. By the time I realised I was already at university. It was really, really really stressful. I didn’t know if I was going to be here at Christmas.
So I went to the Student Support Hub to see what they could do.
I cannot tell you how relieved I was after the Student Support Team had contacted the Finance Department and I found out I was eligible for a Bursary, as well as maximum student loan.
The outside of the Student Support Hub.
The inside of the student support hub. There are turquoise blue sofas, a soft grey and blue carpet, and a banner which reads.
Even more support…
Bursaries aren’t the only way the University can support you, though, thankfully. The Student Hub have a whole host of other support available, such as the Emergency Loan which can be made to cover immediate living expenses such as groceries or a specific bill. There’s also a fund to help you with “Digital Hardship”, which could be anything from a laptop repair to a new phone.
Thankfully, I applied for the York Opportunity Scholarship before coming to University. Because I knew that the University had many scholarships available; at the time of writing, for example, Santander has partnered with the University to provide up to £30,000 over three years.
Money saving whilst you’re at university
Now, I’m about to let you in on the best-kept money-saving life hack that there is: free food in the colleges. Your college, or former college if you live off-campus, offer free food at least once per week. For me, that’s Toasties on Tuesday and Jacket Potatoes on Fridays in the Derwent Common Room. Just visit our website to explore what’s available in your college.
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