I'm Orla, a final year biology student who has returned from a year long placement in the Science and Technology Facilities Council, UKRI. Read on to learn about why I recommend doing a placement, and …
The first three months of my year abroad in Strasbourg
Hi, I’m Fletcher, and I'm currently on a year abroad at the Université de Strasbourg, studying third-year Molecular Cell Biology in French. Having lived in Strasbourg for just over three months, it is …
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A journey through imposter syndrome on placement
If you've read my previous blog (highly recommended - Feeling lost when thinking of your future? Consider a placement!), you might recall that I'm on my year in industry placement at the Institute of …
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Feeling lost when thinking of your future? Consider a placement!
I'm sure that most of us are familiar with the wave of stress and panic when asked those same few dreaded questions. What’s your dream job? What are your aspirations? Where do you see yourself in 20 …
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The road to my year abroad
A year abroad can be a fantastic addition to your York degree. It allows you to experience a new academic environment and improve your employability. All while assimilating into a new culture and way …
A look back at my Science Communication placement at STFC
I have just finished my placement year in Science Communication at ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, STFC in Oxfordshire. It’s been a fantastic experience, so here are some of my best bits, top tips and a …
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