Ten is Zen: Counting 10 days of Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Through our membership with Vitae, University of York Researchers have free access to this event. As part of our commitment to the Researcher Development Concordat, the YGRS has extended our support for postdocs and early career researchers to take part in 10 days of Professional Development, to our Postgraduate community. Researchers across the world are … Continue reading Ten is Zen: Counting 10 days of Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Think tank internships and jobs

If you’re interested in careers that link to policy and research, have you thought about working for a think tank ? Smart Thinking is a great careers resources for this sector, with lots of useful articles and advice as well as job and internship listings. This article on transitioning from academia to think tanks could be particularly useful.

Top up your Academic Skills this November and December

The University’s Academic Skills Community, Maths Skills Centre, and Academic Writing Centre are available throughout the year if you’re looking to further develop your academic skills. In addition to online Practical Guides, they also offer Workshops and one to one appointments, all designed to supplement your studies. Here’s a quick overview of what’s available right … Continue reading Top up your Academic Skills this November and December

Preparing for your Viva

Calling all final year PhDs! Whether your Viva is a few weeks or a few months away, be fully prepared to defend your Thesis with our “Preparing for your Viva” training sessions. Our next session takes place on 24th November 2021 and can be booked here This session focuses on how to prepare for the viva … Continue reading Preparing for your Viva

Virtual Writing Retreats

Do you have a deadline coming up or a piece of writing that’s long overdue? Or maybe some data analysis that just keeps slipping to the bottom of your to-do list? Alongside everything else that needs to fit in with our busy research lives, it can be hard to schedule devoted time in which to … Continue reading Virtual Writing Retreats

Career Management for Academic Researchers online course

The Career Management for Early Academic Researchers MOOC is open and will be available to all researchers between October 2021and July 2022. This is a bespoke online course developed by specialist researcher careers consultants at the universities of Edinburgh, Glasgow and Sheffield. It has been designed for research students and staff who are exploring their … Continue reading Career Management for Academic Researchers online course

Postgraduate Professional Development & Skills Programme 21/22

Following our PGR Induction last week, we are very happy to announce the launch of our 2021/22 Researcher Professional Development & Skills Programme! Whether you are a new or existing PGR, we invite you to take a look at the training programme, which outlines our full range of professional development and skills training sessions. The … Continue reading Postgraduate Professional Development & Skills Programme 21/22

Digital Tools for Research

Our Digital Tools for Research practical guide gives guidance on using Nvivo, formatting your thesis in Word, literature searching and a whole range of other digital tools. Digital Tools for Research If you have specific enquiries about using any of these applications for your research please contact itsupport@york.ac.uk