I think results day was probably the scariest day of my life so far!
- NO, I take that back… the day before was the scariest!
I just remember having butterflies in my tummy and being unable to concentrate on anything else. But I am a huge believer in fate so I told myself what was meant to happen would happen; and now, here I am, writing to you as a second year psychology student at the University of York – my first choice and where I always wanted to be.

The first time I visited the Uni I have to confess I didn’t actually see much of it because I was so in awe at the beautiful city of York itself. I indulged in some shopping and eating and imagined myself living there as a student, it’s funny to think I am now living in an apartment in the city centre and am still just as much in love with the place, if not more!

I chose to study Psychology for a number of reasons…
- Mainly, my younger brother has autism and so I have always found this area of the subject extremely interesting and have been desperate to know more about the condition.
- I began thoroughly enjoying my A-level classes in the subject and found myself going home each night telling my mum topics I’d found interesting and realised I just had to delve into the subject further!
I think the key thing when you’re choosing your subject is to go with something you have a passion for. You can always change if you get here and aren’t enjoying what you chose, but if you choose something you have a deep rooted passion for and are enthusiastic to learn more about, how can you go wrong!?

The psychology department here at York is very special. I used to go back to my flat after a day of lectures and have flatmates moaning about their Professors and how they treat them or how boring their lectures are… and I could never join in! Because all of my lecturers are absolutely lovely and I have developed not only working relationships but friendships with many.

- For instance, in June, a lecturer emailed me saying a few of them were going on a day out to an event at the Yorkshire Air Museum and asked me to go along! So of course I did because how could I miss those photo opportunities?! At the event we carried out an illusion called The Beuchet Chair (pictured below) where one person looks ginormous and one person (sat on the chair) looks tiny!

I know, without a doubt in my mind, that I made the right and best choice by coming to the University of York and choosing to study Psychology.
In this blog I wanted to give you a little insight into how happy I am here and how much I really don’t want to leave York or the Uni!
My next blogs aim to give you more experience of my weekly timetable as a Psychology student, perhaps even an interview with one of my lecturers! I also hope to discuss throughout the year accommodation and Fresher’s week as I know that’s a big worry for many people! So I hope you enjoyed my first post and look forward to more.

Thanks for reading!
Katie x
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