York is short for Yorkshire after all…
So, today I helped out with the interviews for the new prospective 2016 student midwives. I say I helped out, I ate cake and talked a lot which is actually my idea of a great afternoon and according to my husband, it’s mostly what midwives do. He’s seen one episode of One Born Every Minute and now thinks he knows all about it.
What struck me in between stuffing my face (what can I say? It’s been exam week. Times are tough) and looking out at a sea of bright-eyed and well dressed (I may need to address my revising attire of anything comfortable with pockets for sweets) prospective students, I thought about the reasons why I chose to study midwifery in York and why I would again. Let’s just write a list instead of long paragraphs as I’m having essay flashbacks and it’s making me crave yet more carbohydrates.
1) A small cohort:- We have 20 lovely student midwives in our year, the tutors know us by name. We are well known by our personal supervisors and have frequent informal meetings so we can feedback on our experiences and they can be assured we are well and happy. There is nowhere to hide within a small cohort and no one gets lost down the midwifery rabbit hole. It is small and personal but a big enough cohort to learn from each other and meet like-minded friends. Here are two lovely student midwives from my cohort as previously posted in my integrated placement blog.

2) Exam time equals copious amounts of studying (and eating) The University of York has a really lovely library open all the unsociable hours you want. It’s big enough to have everything you need but small enough to feel safe. In the last couple of weeks I have spent many an hour revising, crying about what I can’t keep in my brain and eating more cake (there’s a theme here) I have also used the computers to watch numerous videos to aid my learning. I particularly liked this one as a bit of light relief. This American obstetrician actually does do this as part of her holistic assessments…
3) The University of York has lots of sporting opportunities to help you sweat out the smell of clinical work from your pores… OK, and the revision muffins. York Sport Centre on campus comes complete with a track. I take my son there every Wednesday evening come rain or shine, for the athletics session.
4. The other love in my life, other than my children and midwifery, is running. Yorkshire is the perfect place for all three, I’ve decided. On New Year’s Day my crazy cocker spaniel and I ran a 31 mile ultra around the coast of Whitby for the newborn group b strep charity. York really is short for Yorkshire, both are beautiful and I wouldn’t want to study anywhere else. Good luck to all those embarking on the start of their midwifery journey with interviews. If it all gets too much have a run! You can even borrow my dog who may even love the Yorkshire countryside more than me.
A common theme asked today at the interviews… How do you cope with study and children…
Watch out for my next blog on this topic.
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