It’s September. You’ve returned to sixth-form to find your first assembly back is on: UCAS and applying to university. *Cue meltdown*
How to choose your university
But seriously – how do you decide which course you want to do nevermind which university you study it at? Seems impossible right? (It gets even worse when your Aunt Patricia starts asking about your plans after A-levels. Pressure much.)
We’ve all been there. The endless questions. The quizzical looks from your kid cousin who you’re pretty sure doesn’t understand that university is not all about partying.
Do your research
So where do you start? Pick a few unis you like the sound of or heard good things about and go from there. Research their courses and see if anything takes your fancy.
I chose York for a multitude of reasons. I grew up in York for twelve years before moving to Newcastle to finish school. However, it wasn’t the familiarity that attracted me. A beautiful campus with a strong history department, that’s what attracted to me.
York is also a unique university adopting a collegiate system which instils a sense of identity and family, as well as encouraging rivalry between the different colleges.
When researching universities I was obsessed with studying at a campus uni, rather than a city uni. I wanted this cliché semi-American vibe that I grew up seeing on TV.
Go to an open day
After attending an open day in the October of year 13, I found that and so much more.
For the first time ever I was approached by students who were genuinely enthusiastic about the university and the subjects they studied. I’ll never forget getting lost trying to find Alcuin College. A student noticed my lost self and frustrated mother took the time to point us in the right direction. They weren’t even working the Open Day.
Despite it being torrential rain for the entirety of the Open Day, I left with a renewed sense of ambition and determination to get the grades to attend York. I travelled nine hours to attend another university’s open day. Despite the 25-degree celsius weather, I decided within twenty minutes that I wanted to attend York, not this university.
Choose geese
Do your research, attend various Open Days and get a sense of what life would be like. But I promise you, you won’t regret attending York. Rain or shine you’ll be met by enthusiastic (and exhausted) students, welcoming departmental staff, as well as geese (and ducks).

Are the geese a selling point? I feel like they are.
Read more ‘Why I chose York’ stories
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