My day usually starts with getting up and heading to either a lecture or a practical session. Because I live on Campus East, I never have to go far. Lectures tend to last an hour whereas some of my practical sessions can go on for a bit longer so it varies how much morning contact hours I have.
After getting back, I’ll make some lunch and munch on that while watching some Better Call Saul. Managed to get through almost the entirety of the show during third term! Would recommend but that’s besides the point.
In the afternoon, I sometimes have a couple more lectures and practical sessions but it’s also when I meet up with my HCI group to do some work together on our project for that module. In HCI, we’re making a food donation app prototype which has turned out to be a lot of fun! Usually in our group meetings, we will discuss and show any work we’ve done separately. That way we all have a rough idea of where everyone is up to. We also discuss sections of the project that we are still yet to do.
After my HCI meeting, I tend to return to my flat and rest for a little bit. I’ve recently been playing a match or two of Halo Infinite after coming back to relax. Once I’ve chilled for a bit, I’ll usually do a little bit of university work for Computer Science. Like answering the Theory problem sheets or doing some Software work.

With that done and out of the way, I have dinner! Recently, I’ve really gotten into having a stir fry for my meal. They’re incredibly easy and fast to make while also tasting good and being very healthy! After dinner, I sometimes do something social with my flatmates like going to the pub or on a walk around York. This is perhaps one of my favourite parts of the day as I get to catch up with people and just generally have a fun conversation!
Once I get home, I do some work on a video game I am making for Steam! It’s a little Metroidvania that I’ve been working steadily on since the end of Term 1. I find that it’s really nice to have a bit of work to do that is related in some way to your course but not directly linked to it. This way, you can practice and improve upon your Computer Science skills while still having the freedom to make something of your choosing that you enjoy!

Now sometimes my day will end here but depending on the night, I may go out clubbing with the flat. When we do this, we’ll usually leave at around 10:30 pm to catch a bus into town and then we stay at the club until 2:30 am.
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