Hello again everyone!
I thought I’d base this blog mainly on accommodation as that’s likely to be your next step in preparation for coming to York (because you obviously chose us!)
York has a number of different colleges housing students of all years, over two campuses – Campus West (where Psychology is based) and Campus East.
Here are some pointers on choosing where you go…
- Don’t rule out Campus East just because Psych teaching is mainly based on Campus West – I lived in Constantine College (East) in my first year and loved it
- The bus is free between campuses
- It’s nice to travel and see more of York
- You have more friendship groups
- Do bear in mind – the more you pay, the more you get!
- Constantine and Langwith are the most expensive but are only a few years old. Both colleges include a ¾ sized bed, ensuite or shared bathroom and from 2016/17 kitchen areas include a sofa area and TV.
- Don’t stress over it too much as you may not get your first choice anyway!
- York offer their accommodation by allocating early applications first so depending on when you apply, you might not get your first, second, or even third choice.
- And remember – you can always apply to swap rooms
- Remember to decide if you want catered or self-catered
- James, Derwent and Vanbrugh offer catered rooms. You can buy a Meals in Advance card if you are in self-catered accommodation but want to get catered meals.
- It’s not about where, it’s about who
- No matter where you end up, you’ll make friends for life and have an incredible time

The uni website gives some advice on what you can and can’t take but here’s some things you might be asking…
- No fairy lights or candles (unless battery operated)
- GIRLS – there isn’t loaaaaads of wardrobe space so consider one of those pop up wardrobes if you’re like me with waaaaay too many clothes!
- Kitchen’s don’t come with any utensils other than the oven, hobs, microwave and kettle so bring plates, bowls, cutlery, baking trays, pans etc etc…
- And of course FOOD! Your freshers week will be pretty busy so stock up on lots of snacks and goodies to keep you going (until you figure out how to get Domino’s delivered)
I’m going to be honest with you all; living away from home is hard. If you’re used to having your tea cooked, washing up done, clothes washed and dried, bed made… then it’s going to be tough!
But it’s the most EXCITING and INCREDIBLE time of your life.

This is YOUR time. To do something life changing and have outrageous amounts of fun along the way!
Uni is about learning about yourself – what you like, don’t like, what you want to do in the future and definitely don’t.
It’s scary, anyone who isn’t slightly nervous is lying to themselves! But remember everyone is in the same boat and is scared too – after the first day you’ll feel at home, with a family of friends around you and an incredible career path setting it’s waves in motion.

ANY questions please post and ask! I’m here to help!
And PLEASE tune in for my next blog as it will be a VLOG with a Professor and Dr in the department and should be good fun and a chance for you to know who you’ll be working with here in York.
Start getting those revision heads on – exams come around quicker than you can imagine! Ditch your social life and get your head in those books, smash those exams so you can come to York – it’s probably the best decision you’ll ever make – it’s certainly my best to date.
And most importantly – keep smiling.
Katie x
I’ve received an offer from York to study Psychology and it’s likely to be my firm choice. The only thing that worries me slightly is the nature of the course. The vibe I received from the Open Day was that it was heavily science based (it is a social science so I realise it’s going to be very science-y) but compared to other Open Day’s i’ve visited, it seemed more so – would you say this is true?
Thank you!
Hi Emily!
Brilliant to here that we’re likely to be your firm choice.
Actually, here at York, Psychology is a science (not a social science). So it’s in the same faculty as biology, maths etc and will therefore be very science based.
There are still social aspects to the course, and remember in your third year you get to branch off and choose which modules you study so you can gear away from the science based topics if you’d prefer.
But I would be open minded about the course. I thought I wouldn’t like the science based aspects either but they are incredibly interesting, and there is no expectation of a science background (topics are taught from basics for those who didn’t study a levels in maths/biology/psychology). And remember that even when a topic is science based, it is still psychology and therefore extremely interesting.
I think it’s something that makes the course at York stand out from many others, on your CV and with what you will be able to talk about at the end of your degree. If you have any further questions or worries please feel free to contact me 🙂