The University of York is one of only a handful of UK universities that have a collegiate system – and we take it pretty seriously! Although every college at York has its own unique qualities, each has its own student-elected and led associations. Each student association is in charge of organising and running events, representing the student voice, and making your college into a community!
As the Langwith College Student Association Secretary 2020, I am going to give you a whistle-stop tour of a year in my life. Let me share what all of the fuss is about!

Refreshers Week
Beginning in January 2020, our first task as a student association was to create and run Refreshers Week events. Refreshers Week gives students the opportunity to make new friends, celebrate the end of the January exam period, and reconnect with the college after Winter break. Events included a UV paint party, a well-being breakfast, 1920s night, a sports tournament, and even charity karaoke!

College events
The fun did not stop at Refreshers Week! It’s the job of your college student association to make your university experience as fun and memorable as possible all year round. In February we organised a trip to Leeds, and in March we worked alongside other colleges to run a St Patrick’s Day inter-college bar crawl through York.
Even when lockdown hit, it was very important to me and the student association to keep the college spirit alive. We wanted to help our students during such a difficult and unprecedented time. Because of this, we moved events online!
To celebrate our students’ talent, we hosted ‘Langwith’s Got Talent’ in May and June (unfortunately Simon Cowell could not attend!). Additionally, in July, the association and college team raised money for a Mentally Fit York by completing a sponsored walk together, whilst being apart.
Videos of the events can be seen here:
It’s a tradition that the college assoications host a Summer Ball at the end of the academic year. Although this was not possible in 2020, we hosted a virtual Langwith Award Show on Instagram. Some of the awards included “Sportsperson of the year”, “Best Fresher” and “The Langwith Award”. Celebrating the college and its members was a lovely way to end the year!
Welcome Week
The beginning of a new academic year only meant one thing: Welcome Week! Welcome Week was very different in 2020 due to the challenges of Covid-19. However, the committee remained dedicated to giving our new students a warm welcome and a smooth transition into university life. We worked hard over the summer by planning safe events and packing welcome bags for the new freshers. We managed to have a highly successful week packed with events such as film nights, bingo, and cocktail/mocktail making classes.

A memorable experience
October and November marked election season and my time as Secretary coming to an end. Although I was sad to leave a role that I loved so much, it was very exciting to see other students nominate themselves and campaign to become members of the 2021 Langwith College Student Association!
Despite the challenges of representing students during a pandemic, I wouldn’t change a thing about my time as a student association member! I met so many new people, created great memories, and developed valuable skills from the experience. I firmly believe that college life is one of the highlights of being a student at York. Get involved in any way that you can, I highly recommend it!
Whatever college you are assigned to, you’ll find that you are proud to be a member! A buzzing and supportive community surrounds you, making your university experience some of the best years of your life!

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