York was a top choice for me because of the variety that the Natural Sciences course offered. During my A-Levels, I was undecided on which subject I wanted to study at university. There was so much choice and I didn’t want to miss out on what I thought I would enjoy. Discovering the Natural Sciences courses at York suddenly showed me what was possible. It would give me the opportunity to experience three different disciplines before choosing which to specialise in.
Being a Natural Sciences student at York has allowed me to experience not one, but three departments (I am on the Archaeology, Biology, Environment pathway). There is an abundance of support and guidance, and many opportunities to get to know other Natural Sciences students. The Learning Studio plays a central role in this. As the dedicated Natural Sciences learning centre, it’s a great space to meet, study and socialise with students from different years and courses.
I do not regret my decision to come to York one bit. Not only has the course been interesting, varied and fun, but the whole experience of student life in York has been amazing. I admit, I was initially put off by some of the concrete buildings on Campus West (but the cute ducklings and rabbits have definitely made up for that!). I have now fallen in love with the city and campus surroundings alike.
Settling into University life
Coming to university was unlike anything I’d ever done. It is all an adventure with many opportunities and challenges. It can get overwhelming at points – but most importantly, it is also exciting and fulfilling! I think the biggest challenge when settling into university is learning to live independently whilst balancing a whole new style of teaching and learning. What helped me was the flexibility of my lectures (some online, some in person) and getting to know other students who were all in the same situation. Everyone works things out together, learning from mistakes and supporting each other.
Compared to school and college, university education is a better chance to delve into your subjects of interest, learning from some of the top experts in the field. It will feel familiar yet new at the same time. The style of lessons may have changed but you still employ many skills developed beforehand. For example, group work, active listening, revision techniques, and time management – all great examples of skills you will continue to use and develop.
Your experience at university is what you make it. Consider all the opportunities available to you, try something new, get involved! York is a fantastic place to do some exploring and research to find out what interests you. But the most important piece of advice I’d give to you is to do what makes you happy. I hope you will discover that wherever you decide to go next!
Read more student stories about studying Natural Sciences at York
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