Well exams are finally over! I hope my time at university doesn't give me a lasting association of Christmas with revision. But I have the weekend to relax now. I have to say that this festive period …
What’s so good about the city of York?
Hello again! Welcome back to York after the holiday season! By now, you're probably trying to make the decision about which one of your chosen universities you would like to attend. You've …
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Where to eat Vegan/Vegetarian in York!
Week one of Spring term is always crazy - it's exam week, Christmas and New Year have only just gone by and moving back up to York after the break leaves everyone a little flustered! After exams, I …
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Why should you choose York for History? A student view.
Picking a university is hard. It's one of the biggest decisions you'll ever make in your life, and it's completely understandable if you're nervous. So let me tell you why I chose the department, and …
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Exams are over! Lets celebrate and appreciate the art history on campus and in York
The first thing I have to mention is all of the flooding that happened in York over the Christmas holidays! The uni itself is completely fine, thanks to being on the right side of a hill, and most of …
My York Top 10!
Hi! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year, and are looking forward to the exciting year ahead! I thought with this post I would focus on York itself, because when choosing a …