Hello, readers! I hope you're all having a good week. It’s an exciting time, when you’re looking forward to the next year and finishing school as well. You might be considering York, but may not have …
The Work and Home of NatSci Students
Hello! My plan is to restrain myself from etching down every single event that has occurred in the last 7 weeks since I arrived so, instead, I'm just going to talk about my time as a Natural Sciences …
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November is the new December
Love it or hate it, the festive season has arrived! The little log cabins are going up for the christmas market, there are sparkly shop windows everywhere and disco balls have appeared down the …
Law at York
Studying law at York will help to prepare you for qualification as a solicitor or barrister, or for a range of other careers. We do lectures and seminars like most other universities but we focus on …