Choosing to work part time while studying for a Masters in psychology at the University of York wasn’t a decision I made lightly. Like many students, I wanted to gain valuable experience and ease some …
How to manage your money
I will be covering ways of making money at university to help fund your studies, as well as sharing my top tips for managing your money. Part-time jobs Part-time jobs tend to fall under two …
Rise and Grind? : Making time to study for a Masters degree
Whether you’re a Facebook fiend or a Tik Tok addict, social media seems to glamourise the hustle - wake up at 6am, work, and study before collapsing into bed at midnight and repeating it all over …
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To spend or not to spend?: Managing your money as a postgraduate student
Anyone who has completed an undergraduate degree knows the pain of having to decide between going out with your mates or saving money, and sadly this struggle continues into your postgraduate …
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Making it work: part-time employment and full-time degrees!
Hi, my name is Sammie. I am in my 4th year at the University of York. I previously studied BSc Environmental Geography for three years, and now I'm engaged in MSc Sustainability Science for a further …
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Can I get a part-time job at university?
When you arrive at University your first thoughts might not be about securing a part-time job, and if it is you might not know where to look, who to contact or what are the best jobs to get. A great …
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