Hi guys!
I hope you’re all well and had a lovely Christmas and New year.

In this blog, I thought I would give you a bit of an insight as to what it is like living as a First year Psychology student here in York!

- First and second year timetables are of a very similar layout in our department
- They aim to teach you everything they can fit into your first two years
- You to then decide which areas to branch off into for third year (where you will write a dissertation (EW) but also carry out your very own psychological experiment (YAY)!!).
The course is split into 5 blocks;
- Research Methods (experiments and statistics, yawn…),
- Development and Language (child development, bilinguals…)
- Perception and Cognition (vision, memory…)
- Social, Personality and Abnormal (depression, schizophrenia, relationships…)
- Brain and Behaviour (biological factors in personality, dementia…)
You receive a lecture from each module every week, and a tutorial on each module every 4 weeks.
- Lectures are your whole year group
- Tutorials are around 10-12 students and you have chance to ask questions and get involved in discussions
- One practical for each module over the year where you get to carry out some research and write up your own report.
On a Friday morning from January through to Easter I visited the Special Needs department of a high school in York through YSIS (York Students In Schools) but there are soooo many work experience opportunities for you to get involved in in York!
There is plenty of time off for you to do reading prior to the lectures (or at least try), do assignments and of course, to hang out with friends. I would often go home for weekends too, it took me 2 hours by train to North Wales, mainly to see this little guy….!

- Each of your practical reports
- One essay per module over the year
- Exams for each module are sat in January and more in May, BUT… they are multiple choice exams for your first two years!!! How great is that!?
I hope you’ve enjoyed a little insight to life as a Psychology student, make sure to come back soon as my next blog will actually be a video interview with a Psychology Professor!!!
Be happy and keep smiling.
Katie x

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